10 Essential Things to Pack When Traveling with a Baby

Kelly Rodriguez

  1. Wet wipes- You will want to wipe down anything your baby touches since babies tend to put everything in their mouth. I wipe down the airline seats, tables, stroller, tables before we eat 
  2. A sticky place mat- This is especially helpful when they’re in the throwing the plate or dumping the plate stage. These are a lifesaver when out to eat.
  3. Baby carrier- we have the Ergo. This is so nice when you’re on the go and it’s nap time. Baby can continue sleeping while you go on rides, eat, etc. without having a parent trapped by the stroller.
  4. Breathable blankets- If you’re a nursing mom, I would also feed baby on the go while in the carrier and brought some light, breathable blankets to cover baby with for privacy, as well as keep the sun off of them without them getting too hot.
  5. A stroller fan.
  6. Sippy and snack cup straps because babies love to throw their sippy cups down when they’re finished, and this way you won’t be retracing steps to find that cup or watching it bob at the bottom of Splash Mountain.
  7. Snacks! I know Disney is full of amazing places to eat and snacks but when you’re in line for a ride, or at a show, and your baby or toddler is hungry this is where bringing your own snacks is helpful! We always bring raisins, Cheerios, puffs, and banana Mum Mums.
  8. A change of clothes. 
  9. Stroller poncho, because pop-up rain showers happen a lot in Florida.

10.) Baby sunscreen or a shade extender for your stroller.

I hope this helps with packing for a baby or toddler for your Disney vacation!


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