4 Ways to Involve Your Kids in Your Vacation Plans at Different Ages

Carrie Fulton

Kids love a vacation because it's an adventure and family time rolled into one.  Now that my kiddos are 18, 18 and 20, I'm seeing them make plans for trips to visit their friends.  They're doing great at it, in part, because we've helped the plan as they've grown up.

Here's a list of four things kids can do at various ages which build upon each other to teach your child how to be an independent traveler.

1.  Ages 4-7

Kids this age love want to do things on their own and are really able to with guidance. 

  • Help pack their clothes.  While younger kiddos may not be able to pick their clothes they can put them in the suitcase or packing cubes. 
  • Pick where to eat from approved restaurants by looking at menus.
  • Lead the family to the next ride in a theme park based on a map.
  • Follow along on a map while riding in the car or plane.

2.  Ages 8-11

As they get older, kids can learn so much by the planning process.

  • Find restaurants on apps like Yelp, Disney or Universal that look like a place they want to go.
  • Look at an atlas and determine the best route to get there then compare to Google Maps.
  • Research activities and games for travel times for themselves and younger siblings.
  • Look into your destination and create a presentation of what you'll see once you get there.

3.  Ages 12-15

While this can be a tricky age, involving kids in the planning of your trip can help them have more fun!

  • Challenge them to create a vlog of your entire trip as a keepsake.
  • Brainstorm locations with them.  They sometimes have heard of fun places you haven't.
  • Have them research museums, attractions and activities.
  • Discuss your travel budget and show them how you're spending it.

4.  Ages 16-18

This is the time to use them as your assistant!

  • Ask them to look up flights to your destination.
  • Have them inventory your toiletries and first aid kit to ensure you have all you need.
  • Give them your destination address and make them drive part of the trip.  You can also get them to hail a cab or use the ride share app on your phone to get to your destination.
  • Have them take your travel budget and break it down into the necessary components for the trip.

Don’t forget that I’m also here to help you with the bigger details of your trip!  Contact me today at CFulton@WishesFamilyTravel.com to get planning your next family trip.


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