“Are You Ready to Brave the Hunt on the Apex Predator of Coasters?”

June 22, 2021
By Tiffany Morse

This is the question Universal  Studios Orlando is asking this summer as they unleash the new VelociCoaster on June 10th.  I last visited Universal Orlando on April 16th and was so thrilled to see the coaster running empty cars.  The area is so well designed, down to the last detail.  A friend and I were sitting outside of one side of the fence at a table outside of The Burger Digs.  We had finished eating our lunch and were drinking Powerades when we heard them.  You can hear the raptors from inside the fence.  Honestly, it is super cool and slightly alarming at the same time.  It greatly heightens your curiosity and anticipation.

You can see the VelociCoaster from across the way.  There are spoilers ahead so if you don’t want to know about the ride, you should stop reading now.  Standing there watching it is unbelievable.  I was fascinated.  Here’s the ironic part, I don’t ride big coasters like this.  I am thrilled and curious about every part of them, but don’t want to ride them.  Through a series of events, my children and I have our trip during opening week.  They love coasters, the bigger and bolder, the better so we will be covering Opening Day, June 10th where they will hopefully get to ride then if not before.

Universal has started doing rehearsals: first with empty cars, then team members, Annual Pass Holders, and currently they are doing “technical rehearsals.”  What is a “technical rehearsal?”  Technical rehearsal is a term used when a park opens an attraction, lets the employees practice running the attraction, due flow, and loading and unloading with members of the general public.  These are generally not announced, and people usually just wait around to see if this will happen.  They open and close as needed with no warning.  I would love for the kids to get to experience this early, but we will have to wait and see.  It will be exciting to be there on Opening Day, regardless. 

The tagline “the Apex Predator of Coasters” is well earned by this one.  Again, spoilers.  It now comes in as Florida’s tallest rollercoaster at 155 feet and fastest launch coaster with a speed of 70 mph on the first launch.  This beast has two launches, the first one is out of the raptor paddock and the second is sure to keep your heart racing as for a 100 feet you are in an upside down inverted stall.  There is a 47- foot drop from the top hat.  “A top hat is referring to a 90-degree accent followed by a 90- degree decent in the opposite direction from which the train enters.”-Coasterpedia. The psychics are mind blowing. 

The reviews on it so far have been extremely positive building more excitement for June 10th.  The ride itself is not the only thing getting a lot of positive feedback.  The queue line transports you right into Jurassic World.  The attraction sits where the former Triceratops Encounter used to be.  Construction began on this in early 2018 and it was worth the wait. 

The queue begins at the bottom of the Discover Center where there are several hidden gems from previous movies, be sure to look for them.  After you enter here, you get a blast from the past when Mr. DNA shows you video and then you move into the raptor paddock, where you encounter actual raptors.  Then after a brief presentation by Claire Dearing ( The   previous Park Operations Manger of Jurassic World), you move on to the lockers.  The lockers are right before the loading zone.  I love this because I can still experience this with my family, without going on the ride.  Riders place their belongings into a double sided locker and are given a ticket. After being warned by Owen Grady (Velociraptor Trainer), not to go into the paddock but, you of course you into the paddock. Then you are then loaded two by two into the cars.  After your harrowing ride being chase by the raptors that have gotten loose, riders can pick their belongings by swiping their ticket on the other side of the lockers.  I love this idea and feel it will greatly help traffic flow and increase loading times. 

I am so excited to get to experience the Veloicoaster and so much more in June.  I hope that you will follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tmorse.wft as my adventures continue.  If you would like my help in building your dream vacation to Universal, Disney, Sandals, Beaches or any other amazing destinations, please contact me at: tiffm@wishesfamilytravel,com or 678-770-4144.

I gathered information for this article from universalorlando.com, and Wikipedia.


Spring Break in Sedona, AZ
