Be Our Guest Restaurant

Lisa Perna2.8.19f-26-14-12705015_fanwjF01_24wXMfMSbedhOOrIBQUQBe Our Guest restaurant in Disney’s Magic Kingdom, is inside the Beast’s castle. There is a small bridge you cross before entering double doors. In the corner there is a stained-glass window. This is a great picture spot. Each room is impressive with high ceilings, detailed art work, and beautiful décor. Throughout the castle, you will find pictures of Belle and the BeastFor dinner, there is a three-course prefixed menu. You have a choice of appetizer, entrée, and of course, dessert. They also have signature non-alcoholic drinks, as well as different options for wine.For my appetizer, I choose the Mixed Field Greens salad. This consisted of heirloom tomatoes, house farm cheese, and a citrus vinaigrette.My entrée was the Center-Cut Filet Mignon. On the side were Yukon potatoes, seasonal vegetables, and a Cipollini marmalade with a red wine sauce. The steak was both delicious and tender.f-26-15-12705015_i0cOkFhc_fullsizeoutput_66c7For dessert, you receive three different items: An almond macaroon, a white chocolate “Chip” cup, and a dark chocolate raspberry truffle. Yes, the “Gray Stuff” is delicious! Even the decorative paper on the plate is edible. All of the desserts were excellent!f-26-19-12705015_2hYVMuZo_fullsizeoutput_66cdAfter you have finished your dinner, you have a special chance to get your picture taken with the Beast. Why is this so special? Be Our Guest is the only place where the Beast makes an appearance. This is exclusive to those who have a dinner reservation.This review is based on a recent trip to Walt Disney World. While dining at this restaurant, I did not receive any discounts. This is my unbiased opinion. If you have any questions about Be Our Guest Dinner please feel free to contact me at Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!


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