Five Benefits of Travel

By: Carrie Fulton
October 5, 2023

We all know that taking a vacation is good for us, but WHY is it good for us?

1. Improved Mental Health

  • 97% of people are happier when they have a trip planned. This from a survey from the Destination Analysts of American Workers in 2020.

  • When you're on vacation, your brain releases more dopamine than when at home, and when you're in the planning process of a trip you get other hits of dopamine in anticipation of this break in your daily life.

  • Dopamine is the chemical that is the messenger that allows your body to send messages to the rest of your body increasing motivation, mood and attention.

2. Boost of Creativity

  • We've all had the moment when we break away from what we're doing and a great idea/solution/next step that we've been searching for finally pops into our head. Vacations amplify that opportunity.

  • When our routine is changed, we generally spend less time on our devices. We absorb the life around us and connect on a deeper level with ourselves and fellow travelers.

  • The Harvard Business Review did a study and learned that 94% of those surveyed had as much or more energy when they returned from a good trip. Taking a break helps us refocus and be more productive when we return to our normal lives.

3. Deeper Relationships

  • Friends, family and favorite people share memories and experiences that cannot be replaced. Vacations are great ways to connect on a deeper level and create some amazing new things to remember together.

  • Souvenirs can be an important memento because looking at those things instantly take you back to that trip you took with those you love most especially when you may not get to see them every day.

  • Travel is a great way to mark milestones in life...graduation, anniversaries, relationships starting or ending. It won't make moving on to the next stage easier, but it will give you a focused time to think about where you've been and where you're heading.

4. Travel Challenges You

  • Whether it's a physical experience like hiking or a mental challenge like finding a new restaurant or learning useful phrases of a new language, you can grow and learn things about your surroundings AND yourself.

  • Understanding different cultures, whether domestic or international, gives you the opportunity to learn about others’ lives, motivations and actions like nothing else will.

  • Dealing with things outside of your normal life will help you understand yourself and your own beliefs from a different angle.

5. It's Just Fun

  • Whether it's checking something off your bucket list, returning to a favorite location or exploring a new country, traveling is just fun!

  • Life is serious enough, so it's important to take a break and enjoy what you've earned with your hard work.

  • Travel because you can, because you want to and because it's better than staying at home!


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