Giving Children the Gift of Experiences

Corrie Krpejs1.15.19As our children have gotten older we’ve found that we are buying less and less toys and instead purchasing experiences. A few years ago, we asked them if they could remember the toys that they had been given, and they couldn’t. That was when we knew that we wanted to give the gift of an experience. I hope that our children will always remember the amazing experiences that we have had and our moments together.Corrie-FamilyHere are some tips to help you replace some of those wrapped presents with a family vacation.

  1. Plan ahead.

Consider discussing with your Wishes Family Travel Agent about planning a trip over the holidays or their birthday. We can provide you with lots of tips and tricks to make this occasion extra special! Imagine waking your kids up on their birthday and telling them that you are leaving for vacation! Two of our kids have summer birthdays, and we packed them up one summer telling them we were heading to the beach. Then we arrived at the Florida border we handed them each a present. It was a Disney shirt and book. It took them a second to figure it out but they were beyond excited, and we were so excited for them.

  1. Consider fun travel-related presents.

Maybe you are unable to travel over a holiday or their birthday. That’s okay! Purchase gifts that include travel guides, a scrapbook for them to put their vacation photos, gift cards, or even shirts for the upcoming trip. Have fun and maybe consider doing a scavenger hunt like we did: Christmas morning our kids woke up and we informed them that they needed to find their present. They worked together as a team searching all over the house. At the end we had a letter from Santa informing them that they would be traveling to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! We included a guide book and Universal-themed shirts.f-26-15-12328941_Zbqt3RxD_US_Blog_4

  1. Keep it simple.

Maybe a quick weekend trip to a city you have never been to or a beach? Check out new attractions and museums. Sometimes keeping things simple can be quite nice! The point is to create memories with your family and encourage togetherness. f-26-19-12328941_lbQHlJSF_29982997_494192694309954_5931167717291618318_oI hope that this has given you some thought into planning experiences for you and your family. As our oldest is starting college this year, I’m truly thankful for making the choice to give the gift of experiences. Memories last a lifetime.For more tips on giving the gift of experiences, contact Corrie Krpejs at 336-682-8538 or email Check out my Facebook page for daily posts that include updates and special offers!  


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