Is it Safe to Travel?*

6/9 | Carrie Fulton

*Please note: This information is NOT to replace current CDC guidelines or the advice of a physician. 

I get this question nearly every day, so let's talk about it!

  1. Flying 

How safe is the air on the plane? 

  • Cabin air is refreshed 20-30 times an hour...for comparison, most office buildings circulate air 10 times per hour.  
  • HEPA filters on planes remove 99.993% of the bacteria in the air. 
  • You don't have to worry about where you sit on the plane because the air flows from the top of the cabin to the bottom rather than from front to back. 

  1. Cruising 

Nearly decimated by the pandemic, cruising is actually one of the safest ways to travel. 

  • Crew members not only are vaccinated and boosted, they are also tested regularly.  Plus, crews are constantly cleaning! 
  • Ports of call have lost their livelihood and are eager to keep you safe as well as protect their communities. 
  • If the cruise industry were a US state, it would rank #1 in preventing transmission.  Yes, you hear about people getting Covid on a cruise; but statistically, it's much lower than the community spread in your state. 

  1. Theme Parks 

So many people...such a small chance of transmission. 

  • When you think of theme parks, you may think of crowds, but you also need to remember how much of the time spent at a theme park is outside! 
  • I can promise you that if there was a mass outbreak where the super-spreader location was a theme park, you'd hear about it.  
  • I have personally been to theme parks 5 times since they were re-opened after Covid.  I have traveled with just one person to a group of 15.  No one in any of my travel parties contracted Covid!   

4.  International Travel 

This is where things get can tricky... 

  • Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean/Bahamas and some Central America locales are great to visit! When it comes to Europe, South America and Asia, we can find the right place that respects your preferences for both place and protocols. 
  • Even though you will have to test while you are traveling, those who are vaccinated and boosted are having fabulous trips and returning home as scheduled. 
  • Also, I'm here to help you navigate local restrictions as they change and adjust your trip accordingly! 

Ready to start traveling again? Then please email me at or give me a call at (513) 304-4103. I'd love to help make your next vacation magical!

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