Keeping it green – 5 actions that identify an eco resort in Mexico

Written by Representatives at Palace Resort's Moon Palace

When you think eco-tourism, rustic beachside cabanas and rainwater showers may spring to mind, but did you know that some all-inclusive luxury resorts have long since also started to put a number of green practices firmly in place? If this is an issue you hold close to your heart, these 5 ways to identify an environmentally-responsible eco resort in Mexico and beyond, might be right up your tree.Eco-resorts are saying goodbye to single-use plastic and have started to use more sustainable options

1. Finding alternatives to plastic

Welcome changes to environmental laws have urged resorts to find alternatives to disposable or ‘single-use’ plastic. We have therefore seen an overhaul in just how much plastic is used in a number of resorts. Materials that are certified as organic are being implemented in the production of commonly-used items. One of the most obvious changes has been a complete removal of plastic straws from properties, or the implementation of recycled materials such as avocado stone to make them.

2. Protecting the neighbors – local fauna

Take a beachfront resort, for example. Imagine how the presence of a resort can have on natural fauna in the surroundings, the area where these ‘locals’ go about their day-to-day mischief. In order to mitigate such circumstances, certain resorts have implemented programs and strategies to ensure that our furry (and not so furry) friends are always taken into consideration and their best interests looked after.

The Moon Palace complex, for example, has strict conservation programs in place, as well as being fiercely responsible for 315 hectares of protected natural reserve. What’s more, as part of the annual Sea Turtle Conservation ProgramPalace Resorts protects and saves baby sea turtles which hatch on stretches of more than 9 km of coastline. Helping these adorable creatures initiate their journey across the sea has essentially become one of the most fulfilling things to do in Cancun and the Riviera Maya.

3. Strict regulation of recycling programs

Apart from reducing waste and using recycled materials, environmentally responsible resorts also have strict recycling programs in place. For such programs to be a success, communication, ongoing training, and frequent recycling audits are vital to ensure waste is correctly cleaned and separated. When considering an all-inclusive luxury resort in Mexico, it is always a good idea to pick one which is fully committed to such programs and which recycles everything from plastic, card, tetrapak, and glass, to used oil, organic waste and more.Keep your vacations eco-friendly by visiting restaurants that use  locally grown food in their recipes

4. Saving energy

So just how much energy can an all-inclusive resort save, especially if luxury kid-friendly vacations are what they promise? A number of resorts in Mexico and beyond have programs in place which promote both energy conservation and water conservation. The most conscious resorts have in-room sensors to detect when the doors are open, automatically turning off the AC; or use smart cards to detect when there is no movement in the room, switching off any lights which may have inadvertently been left on. In terms of saving water, bathroom facilities are regulated to reduce water use, by means of economic flush systems and so on.

5. Producing organic ingredients

Another of the big yeses when it comes to choosing a destination with an emphasis on green living is the concept of ‘farm to table’ ingredients. Certain resorts such as Moon Palace Cancun have an organic ‘market garden’ or orchard, where microgreens, used to add that finishing touch on gourmet dishes, are grown onsite and are even seeded in a special organic compost made from organic waste which is recycled by the properties. 

Whether this topic is right up there on your list of ‘must-haves’ when choosing a destination, or not, it is most definitely an issue to keep in mind before you make the final decision.

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