Mommy and Me Have So Much to See…Let’s Travel the World!

September 10, 2020

By: Missy Ryan

For those who follow me, and as many of you are aware, I am a mother of six. I have been a mother for 25 years. I can’t say I know it all, because I don’t. I can’t say that I have done it all, because I haven’t. What I can say is, for 25 years I have dedicated my life to raising my children to the best of my ability. There have been good times, rough times, big smiles, tears, ups and downs. Through my years of parenting, I learned that with each new experience there came a memory, a learned adventure, a new chapter to add.

Knowing that these times would fly, I made it and still make it my personal mission to include travel in each of their lives.

Aside from the family trips, the family vacations to the beach, camping, local parks, and everyday adventures, I wanted more for them. I wanted chapters that only they could reflect on. Only they could say that they wrote that page to their book, they shared that smile with Mom, they were the title of that adventure.

Personally, this also made me realize that each of my children benefited so much more with one on one time with me.

My desire to travel has been passed down to each child at a young age.

While some may be planning for large family trips, I always have enjoyed the small one on one trips where I could fully immerse myself with a Mommy and Me travel date. Watching the joy through their eyes, seeing their smiles, hearing every word, feeling their happiness rush through with each giggle. Having that special time has allowed me to shift my focus and to be more present as a parent. It has taught me to value those moments as memories were developing.

When I first decided to travel solo with my children, a lot of planning went into my itinerary.

As more trips developed, I realized that my planning did not have to be as detailed, as this was ultimately robbing the fun out of the adventure.

I learned quickly that the planning was more for me, my children were completely happy just having that time alone and being the center of attention.

I have planned many trips through the years. Some have been day trips, others have been weekend adventures.

I have gifted my children adventures for birthdays, graduations, Christmas, and other special achievements.

These gifts have been presented through various ways such as destination displays, cakes, cookies, guessing games.

All which have added to “their” special chapters.

Personally, my favorite one on one trips have been to Walt Disney World.

One of my favorite getaways was with my son Jack. He and I took a trip last December and spent five nights at Pop Century.

We made matching shirts, planned matching ears and buttons, and mapped out our days with where we wanted to eat and our top 3 must dos.

It was extremely rewarding to hear him thank me and tell me how happy he was. My heart was filled with so much joy that nothing at that moment could compare.

I urge any parent that has more than one child to try to incorporate some type of individual adventure if it fits into their budget, schedule, life.

If it takes saving up in a special Vacay Fund jar, do it. Maybe start small with horseback riding at a ranch, or a weekend that includes a local theme park, then work your way up.

Make your goals and adventures attainable.

Talk about them with your child. Let them know they are an important part of the process.

Depending on your location of choice, give gift cards for Birthdays and Holidays. Ask family and friends to do the same. Have your child participate in paid chores and set aside a percent that will go towards their next adventure.

Create a vision board and place it someplace that they will see it every day.

Write your goals down. It is a proven fact that more than 50% of goals are achieved when written down.

Have a yard sale and sell items that are no longer useful to you but can be another person’s treasure. Consignment shops are always looking for clothes, kid sales are also a popular place to make extra money. Save those items that sell and put them aside for your Mommy and Me time.

We have 18 beautiful summers with our precious children. Make them count, make them special.

Your next Adventure is Out There!!

If you would like more tips or help in creating a dream come true please contact me at

You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram

Looking forward to helping you add pages to your chapter!!




Disney Cruise: Part 1