Satu'li Canteen in Pandora - World of Avatar

By: Sarah McClureMarch 6, 2018When you think of a Walt Disney World quick service meal, does your mind automatically go to burgers, nuggets and mac and cheese?I believe Disney has really raised the bar when it comes to their quick service options with Satu’li Canteen. This restaurant is in the new Animal Kingdom land of Pandora – The World of Avatar and offers healthy dishes with well-known ingredients.The story behind Satu’li Canteen is that this is a former RDA (Resources Development Administration, the company that was mining Pandora in the movie) mess hall transformed for new visitors to the world of Pandora. You will see a blend of cool steel mixed with natural Pandora elements and Na’vi artwork.
I enjoy Disney meals that are not going to weigh me down as I continue my day in the park. I like to be refueled with great flavors, but not feel like I am carrying a brick around the park for the next few hours. Satu’li Canteen certainly fit the bill! I loved the flavors and the focus on natural, healthy options in a very unique atmosphere. Another nice touch is the “real” dishes and utensils. There are no plastic forks and paper plates at Satu’li Canteen, which is right in line with the story and dedication to preservation.I would be honored to assist your family with creating a magical Disney vacation. Email to get started with a complimentary quote.

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