The Beginners Guide to Packing the Perfect Park Bag!

By: Christina SzewczukAugust 22, 2017 One of the frequent topics of conversation with Walt Disney World clients is "What should I bring to the park with me?" This is especially true for those who have never traveled to Walt Disney World as an adult or with children or have never visited at all. Using my own experiences, here are some general supplies you will need in your park bag.In general, I include:

  • Camera
  • Snacks
  • Tissues
  • Lip balm
  • Hand wipes
  • Smart Phone
  • Cash or gift cards
  • Travel size sunscreen
  • Charger cord & portable battery pack
  • Mints or gum (no gum is sold in Disney parks)
  • Water bottle - self-filtered water on bottles are great to have. You'll always have fresh tasting water!

CS_contentsIf inclement weather is expected, I will include:

  • Poncho
  • Extra socks and shoes
  • Plastic bag to hold potentially wet items
  • Small towel (either for yourself or to wipe a possibly wet seat)
  • And most importantly, a positive attitude!

A fun extra: Bring Pre-sorted change for pressed penny souvenirs – M&M mini containers work well to hold easy-access spare change for this purpose. Stack two quarters and a shiny penny and your change is already separated. No fumbling with change!Now that we have touched on basic needs for the contents, here are my recommendations and tips for what type of bag to use for your park bag.

Tips & Bag Type Recommendations:


Infants/Toddlers/Young kids: Backpack

If your kids are toddlers or infants, you will probably treat your park bag like a modified diaper bag. For infants, you'll most likely want to have a small cooler bag with their food (bottle/baby food/snacks, etc) unless you are solely breast feeding. These bags people usually store in the bottom of their stroller or in a locker. (A good tip about strollers: bring something like a bright cloth or colorful bandanna to tie around the handle. This will make your stroller stand out to you so it doesn't get lost in the sea of strollers at stroller parking lots. A luggage tag with your name and phone number is also helpful in case someone accidentally grabs your stroller.) Diapers, wipes, and extra clothes are always a must as any parent of a tiny human knows. Should you run out or forget to pack these things, there are Baby Centers in each park where you can purchase a few supplies. This came to my rescue once with my daughter!

Older Kids: Small-Medium bag or backpack

Now that the kids no longer need a diapers, bottles, etc you're carrying a much lighter load! However, now that they are out of stroller age, you are losing some storage space. This is why I recommend a bag or backpack of some type. They still need you to carry things for them and if they are anything like my kids, in the bag it goes. Bringing an extra shirt and a stain remover pen or wipe is a good idea to add to your bag for this age group. Spills happen. Especially when ice cream is involved! Although there are first aid centers throughout the parks, I recommend throwing one of those small first aid kits in your bag with a few band aids and an antiseptic wipe.

Teens and Adults: small pouch/bag

I have a very small backpack that I use when I am at the park without my kids. I like to have my water bottle with me, so it is small, but big enough to hold my water bottle. Now I know "fanny packs" have been the butt of many jokes, but they are a nice hands free storage option. There are some styles that are more like an athletic pouch that work well too.These are general suggestions of what to include in your park bag – and perhaps some items you hadn't thought about before! I would love to hear you include in your bag, so send your lists to me at Make sure to follow my Facebook page at for more updates and information!


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