Tips for Avoiding “Disney Exhaustion”

Becky Criswell8.28.18One of the most common phrases I hear from clients after they return from their Walt Disney World vacation is, “I need a vacation from my vacation!”. There’s no doubt that while Disney World is magical, exciting, fun-filled and just plain awesome, it can also be exhausting! This is especially true if you are traveling with little ones and caring for them along the way. In my opinion, coming home tired is a sign that you had an amazing, action-packed vacation, but I’m offering some tips today that will hopefully help you to avoid feeling completely worn out!f-26-15-11948855_Rkf0EYRP_033_2

  • Be prepared that YOU WILL WALK A LOT. It helps if you know this up front so you aren’t completely shocked when you get there and realize that it’s very easy to walk 10 miles a day when you are visiting the parks. Pack very comfortable shoes!
  • If at all possible, plan at least one “off” day in between park visits. I realize this is not always possible if you have a limited number of days for your vacation. However, it is extremely helpful if you can take a day mid-week to move at a slower pace and perhaps enjoy your resort pool or other amenities. This is especially helpful if you are traveling with small children who may not be able to handle back-to-back days in the parks. This could be a day that you try to keep them on their normal routine and nap schedule to avoid a complete melt-down by the end of the trip. If you cannot take off a full-day from the parks, perhaps you could consider doing a half-day to allow yourself at least one relaxing morning or evening.f-26-14-11948855_0hCekqNq_DSC_0011_1_D1GZ
  • Know your limits! I will tell you a short personal story. On our last family vacation (which was a total of 10 days), my husband and I had the opportunity to go out one evening while my mother-in-law kindly stayed with our kids. The Magic Kingdom happened to be open until 1am and we just HAD to take advantage of this opportunity, right? We had a blast and got back to our room around 2:00am, but I paid for it for the rest of the trip! There’s no slowing down when you have 3 small kiddos in tow, and this late night really did me in!
  • Strollers! Of course you will need a stroller for your small children, but as kids get older, people often question whether or not a stroller is really necessary. You know your child best and you know their ability to keep up while walking long distances. If you are at all in doubt, bring or rent a stroller! Even children who are normally okay with lots of walking will usually benefit from a stroller in Disney World. I may have mentioned this already but you will do a TON of walking. If your child cannot keep up, you will find yourself carrying them around or giving piggy-back rides and this will only add to your exhaustionf-26-19-11948855_CsCeccMp_140_1
  • Remind yourself this is vacation. Disney World can be very fast-paced and you might feel pressure to try to fit everything in. There’s no way you can see and do everything in one trip, so try to remind yourself that it’s about family time, building memories, and enjoying each moment even if you don’t check off everything on your list.

I hope you find these tips helpful and useful for avoiding complete exhaustion. But if you come home exhausted, one of our experienced agents at Wishes Family Travel would be happy to help you plan a relaxing beach vacation for your recovery!If you are ready to start planning your Disney vacation, please email me at!


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