Top Wizarding World of Harry Potter Tricks at Universal Orlando You Probably Don’t Know About

Amy Baranek1.3.19I think it’s fair to say that any fan of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter acknowledges that Universal has done an amazing job with all the details in both Hogsmeade (Islands of Adventure) and Diagon Alley (Universal). In my trips to Universal and my research while planning vacations, I have discovered many lesser known tips that you may not be aware of. The following little tricks will help immerse you even further into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter:f-26-20-12403253_lKJPFYR7_kreacher_universalIslands of Adventure (Hogsmeade)

  1. At Three Broomsticks or The Hog’s Head, ask for the secret menu item, Pumpkin Fizz.
  2. Moaning Myrtle haunts the bathrooms.
  3. You can send a letter from Hogsmeade and it will arrive with a Hogsmeade postage stamp on it.
  4. While in line for the Forbidden Journey, if you stand near the door marked Potions Class, you can eavesdrop on a professor teaching Neville how to cast a spell.
  5. When in The Hog’s Head, watch and wait for the hog’s head over the bar to come alive.
  6. In the Three Broomsticks, pay attention to your surroundings, you will see shadows of owls delivering mail, people casting spells, and more!

f-26-15-12403253_MFtJzsSV_dragonuniversalUniversal (Diagon Alley)

  1. As you approach platform 9 ¾ in King’s Cross, stand back and watch as people “disappear” through the wall. You won’t notice this as you actually walk through, but if you stand back a bit and watch, you have a great video/photo opportunity as you observe someone from your family ‘disappear’ through the wall.
  2. Near King’s Cross you will see a red phone booth, if you pick up the phone and dial MAGIC, you will be connected to the Ministry of Magic.f-26-19-12403253_zKBJE6Mb_phone_booth_universal
  3. When standing outside 12 Grimmauld Place, watch the windows for Kreacher to peak out at you every now and then.
  4. Take a picture by the Knight bus and listen to what the Shrunken head has to say.
  5. The dragon on top of Gringotts breathes fire about every 15 minutes.
  6. In Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes, you can hear whispering coming from above, courtesy of the extendable ears.
  7. Also in Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes, if you adopt a Pygmy Puff, they will ring a bell and announce the new adoption and name of your Pygmy Puff.
  8. At Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions, there is a magical mirror there that will critique your look. Just know it usually has nothing nice to say!
  9. Want to speak to a snake before entering the Magical Menagerie? From outside of the building and to it’s side, head down to the store to the large window.
  10. Next to the Gringotts ride you can find the money exchange where you can exchange your muggle money for wizarding money. You can actually use this money to purchase items in the park. You can also have fun with the goblin in there who will answer any question you ask him.
  11. While in Borgin and Burkes, listen around the vanishing cabinet and you will hear a bird chirping.
  12. The sign hanging outside the Leaky Cauldron actually leaks water.
  13. Have an interactive wand? Did you know there are a couple of places with spells that aren’t listed? Give these a try:

-Outside the Slug and Jiggers Apothecary, (Which is a store for show only, you cannot go in.)    perform the spell outside the main window.-Outside the writing implement store, perform the spell at the right-hand window.Do a triangular motion for both spells. Also keep an eye out, there may be other hidden             spells that pop up. Universal likes to keep you guessing!

  1. Knockturn Alley has some of the best interactive spells. (Use the black light to find the spell pictures.)

f-26-14-12403253_TjIveeGQ_knightbusuniversalUse these tips to help immerse you even further into the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando. I would love to help you plan your next visit to Universal. It makes me happy to equip you with this kind of information as well as a personalized guide to your trip when you travel to help create the perfect trip for your needs. Please follow my Facebook page for more fun information and tips. You may also email me with any questions you may have at Interested in reading more of my blogs or services? Please click the links to learn more!   


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