Why Do We Travel?

Leslie Bowman9.26.19I live at the edge of the Pisgah National Forest, at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains. I grew up surrounded by mountains but didn’t pay them much attention until I returned to my hometown after being away for 27 years. Then I noticed how majestic they were. They’re green in the summer but appear blue to almost black in the winter. They are beautiful in every season.On a recent vacation to Los Cabos, in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur, I was amazed at the difference in the mountains. The mountains surrounding Los Cabos are mostly brown, with very few trees and almost no green in sight. They are very peaked and jagged; from an airplane they appear very thin or sheer. This made me think “what else could I learn if I traveled more?”For me, travel provides a chance to relax and to spend time with my family or friends, but it has also become a way to educate myself. As I have gotten older, I love to visit new locations and to learn about them. I find myself watching more shows that involve travel and reading more magazines and books about travel.f-26-14-13168426_LaUr3Yag_834D3AC4-5838-490D-AC9A-1D2B3ACD7CDDI’m a Disney girl and have been visiting Walt Disney World since I was a child in the 70s. I’m fortunate to share the love of Disney with my husband and now-grown daughters. We still enjoy traveling to Walt Disney World together for family vacations. One of the highlights of our summer was visiting Disneyland in California. We all loved experiencing Walt Disney’s original theme park. I don’t believe my enthusiasm for Disney will ever wane, but my goal now is to experience a new place each year.I love Frances Mayes’ book “A Year in the World.” In it, she describes the need to travel as a mysterious force; how wanting to go balances with the desire to stay home. I understand this also; I love being at home but I’m almost always thinking of where I would like to go next. Being a Wishes Family Travel Concierge Agent has given me the opportunity to learn more about so many destinations and the ability to share that knowledge with others. I love helping people with the logistics of making travel dreams a reality. And I find that I learn during that process.My advice to younger people is to begin traveling earlier. Go somewhere new, even if it’s just the next town over. Make it a priority. It will renew your spirit and cause you to learn new things. In the words of Frances Mayes, “Andiamo. Let’s go!”Leslie Bowman, Concierge AgentWishes Family Travellbowman@wishesfamilytravel.com864-490-6908


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