Boys at Disney's Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique?

By Rebecca Jones, Wishes Family Travel

Who says boys can’t enjoy the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique?  When my son, Marshall, was five years old, we took his sisters to the BBB in Disneyland to be transformed into princesses.  Knowing he wouldn’t want to be left out, we scheduled for him to receive the royal treatment, too.


Marshall was given the Knight Package, which starts at $15.95.  His hair was put into a Mohawk shape (his choice) and colored with blue and green hair gel.  The look was topped off with Mickey-head shaped sprinkles, and a green and blue Mickey-head shape on the back of his head.

He was then knighted by his Fairy Godmother-in-training, and given a sword and shield with his name on it. 


For the rest of the day, Marshall bravely defended his sisters from unknown peril, including rowdy park guests and flyaway balloons.  All because of a little magic and pixie dust in the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique.

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