Count Your Lucky Stars at Club 33 

By: Dr. Holly Kreider
February 1, 2024

First opened in 1967 at Disneyland, Club 33 is a set of exclusive clubs inside Disney parks. We’re talking exclusivity on steroids.  Club 33 membership costs a whopping $35,000 to join, plus $15,000 annually.  Even if you have the means, the wait for Club 33 membership at Disneyland is rumored to be 5 to 10 years, and in some years, the Club accepts only one new member.  

My own experience at Club 33 revealed even more levels of exclusivity, and of course, luxury. Here are some highlights: 

It’s all “who you know” 

Our family’s Club 33 odyssey began with a decade-old offer from a businessman in Los Angeles who was a student of my mother’s and a long-time Club 33 member. Who knew my CPA mom’s federal tax seminars would pay off so handsomely? On several occasions, he offered to grant her guest access to the Club, and a family trip to Disneyland finally made it a reality.  

And “who you know” must do all the legwork 

Alas, our Club 33 access angel was vacationing in Paris during our stay at Disneyland, but fortunately the Club allows unaccompanied guests. Our angel booked us a lunch reservation a few weeks in advance. Because only members know the Club’s phone number – not even Disney concierge staff members know how to contact the Club and they’re trained to never say “no”! – we relied on our LA tycoon to reconfirm our reservation the day before from his perch in Paris. 

Behind closed doors 

Club 33 at Disneyland nestles into New Orleans Square just above Cafe Orleans and the French Market. I googled an image of the iconic “blue door” in advance so I wouldn’t miss it.  It is, in fact, easy to miss – no signage whatsoever. To enter, we pushed a button on a small brass fixture to the left of the door.  A disembodied but pleasant voice asked us for the name under which our reservation was booked and unlocked the door. 

A grand and gracious entrance 

We stepped into the small entry vestibule, adorned in dark wood, to be greeted by the reception staff. This was followed by a warm towel presented on a silver tray and an introduction to our personal concierge. Our concierge walked us into the iconic atrium for photo opportunities in front of the sweeping staircase and associated statuary. She explained that photos were permitted in all places except the bathrooms. 

It’s all up from here 

Ascending the staircase (or elevator) leads to a gilded second floor, narrow but long, with a restroom, small gift shop, hostess station, private lounge, and restaurant. The place oozes old-school elegance, from the crystal chandelier to the hallway lined with historic memorabilia to the tall windows from which you can spy the slightly less lucky people below (they’re still in Disneyland after all). 


Yes, that’s right.  Inside of Club 33 is another club of sorts, a special lounge where only bonafide members are allowed. It’s conveniently located on the way to the main restaurant, so unaccompanied guests can peer in and remind themselves of their riffraff status.  

Classy ambience, cocktails, and cuisine 

The dining room reeks of quiet affluence. It reminded me of the Harvard Faculty Club (I’ll save that for another blog) – an intimate space with a checkerboard floor and mahogany-moulded ceilings, quiet and dimly lit, appointed with classic fixtures, fine dinnerware, and attentive staff.  

The Luna cocktail at Club 33 made my shortlist of favorite cocktails ever – a creamy concoction topped with shaved nutmeg in the shape of a crescent moon.  A girly drink if ever there was one, but not cloyingly sweet or single note. The four-course lunch menu, a mix-and-match affair, offered high-end cuisine and a hefty price tag ($600 for table of 4, including cocktails and coffee). 

A dose of magic 

On reflection, what made Club 33 special wasn’t so much its elegant decor or doting staff or delightful cocktails. It wasn’t the one-in-a-lifetime access to something even one-percenters rarely experience, although I count my lucky stars for the opportunity. It was the cool and quiet stretch of time with my favorite family members, lubricated by cocktails and laughter, that stands out most in my memory, especially amidst a day (or three) of sweaty, loud adventure.  

So consider this my *exclusive invitation* to you to experience that luxury yourself – pack a little picnic, find an unoccupied bench under the shade of a tree, and canoodle with your peeps smack in the middle of your Disney maelstrom. I guarantee you’ll feel like the luckiest Mouseketeer in all the land. 


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