Disney Springs

Lisa Perna3.19.19Disney Springs has changed so much throughout the years! Even the name has changed from the former Downtown Disney to the new Disney Springs. I was very excited to see all the new transformations since the last time I had visited.f-26-20-12703870_pIXvgZWR_crESDbzmTGKNPEgAMpbjWADisney Springs is a place where you can find lots of restaurants, shopping, entertainment and of course all things Disney. This is a large outdoor atmosphere with plenty of walking and stroller space and is free to the public. Disney’s bus transportation can take you to Disney Springs. You can also drive there and find free parking. However, parking is limited and goes quickly.With so many places to eat, shop, and to stop and take pictures, you can easily spend a day here. On this last trip, I decided to try one of the newer restaurants. My family and I ate at D-luxe Burger. The menu has many burger options to choose from. You will also get to choose how it is cooked. The portions sizes are generous, and the prices are reasonable. My family and I enjoyed the dipping sauces. Dipping sauces are complimentary and are located near the plasticware, napkins and straws. You can pick as many flavors as you want! If you are looking for a burger with quick service, this is a great option.


Shopping at Disney Springs can be overwhelming! There are so many beautiful stores to look inside. Some of the stores are Ever After Jewelry, The Disney Corner, Coach, and Mickey’s Pantry. One of my favorite stores is Disney’s Days of Christmas. I love Christmas and Disney, so this is the store for me! You can find Christmas ornaments, stocking stuffers, and Mickey is everywhere.f-26-14-12703870_rHqtgnlc_AVIWmWBkRDmmweDttwnShwBefore you leave make sure you saved room for dessert. There are lots of options to fill that sweet tooth that comes with a full day of exploring. Hagen Dazs, Vivoli Il, and Ghirardelli’s are just some of the amazing options.This was just a brief snap shot of a few of the many things to do at Disney Springs. Next time you are in Orlando, make sure you to take time to stop.While dining at this restaurant, I did not receive any discounts. This is my unbiased opinion. This review is based on a recent trip to Disney Springs. If you have any questions about Disney Springs feel free to contact me at lperna@wishesfamilytravel.com Follow me on Facebook and Instagram


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