Disneyland: Jedi Training Academy

Jedi Training Academy at DisneylandBy Sarah McClurePlease insert photos where indicated and delete highlighted indication notes.SM_Jedi_Academy_Sign   As a mom to three girls, very girly girls, Star Wars had never been on our radar when we visited the Disney parks. Sure, we would go on Star Tours and loved it. Yes, we would catch glimpses of the Jedi Training Academy in progress, but would never watch the entire show. We wanted princesses and face painting!In planning for our latest trip to Disneyland, my youngest daughter decided the Jedi Training Academy was something she wanted to try, and try she did! Miss E had an amazing experience, grinned from ear to ear and even used her souvenir money to buy her own light saber.Jedi Training Academy is a guest interactive show that is held several times each day at the Tomorrowland Terrace Stage and lasts about 25 minutes. Be sure to check your times guide for specific show times. The Jedi Council is looking for young padawans to train in the ways of the Jedi. A Jedi Master and Knights will randomly select about 20 volunteers (ages 4-12) from the audience to participate.      Please insert photos where indicated and delete highlighted indication notes.SM_Jedi_Sign    If chosen, your child will don a brown Jedi robe and recite the Jedi Oath. Safety rules are explained and students are given a training light saber. (Please note, the robe and light saber are on loan to the students for the training session and must be returned to the Jedi Knights upon completion of the course.) Students are taught how to handle a light saber and trained in ancient battle techniques.We arrived about 30 minutes before the first show and were one of the first families to arrive. This gave us front and center seating. There are no benches or seats, we just sat behind the blue line on the ground. Honestly, I welcome any opportunity to sit in the Disney parks. This may be the perfect time for a churro treat, souvenir shopping at The Star Trader or for some in your party to experience an attraction. Autopia and Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters are nearby.The show began with a Jedi Master and her knights scanning the audience for people who are “strong in the force”. Read this as, those who are enthusiastic will get picked! Here are some tips to aid in your child being selected:** Wear your Star Wars garb (costumes, t-shirts, hats, etc).** Arrive early so as to be seated near the front and be easily seen.** Hold a sign. (Be clever! “Master Yoda sent me. Pick me, you will!” “The FORCE is strong with me!” “My other car is an X-wing!” )** Jump up and down and be enthusiastic!Miss E held her sign, jumped up and down and was one of the first to be chosen. Happy as a clam, she was! Once all of the children were selected and had their robes on, the Jedi Master did a great job of explaining the rules of the Academy. Students were then taken through the battle choreography step by step with other Jedi helping the younglings.Please insert photos where indicated and delete highlighted indication notes.SM_Jedi_GroupSuddenly, there was a disturbance in the force and the center stage began to steam and rise up. Darth Vader, Darth Maul and two Storm Troopers appeared! Vader’s goal was to get the trainees to flip to the dark side with promises of power.Each child was given a chance to battle Darth Vader or Darth Maul. Students are not given a choice as to whom they    Please insert photos where indicated and delete highlighted indication notes.SM_Jedi_Battlebattle, they were assigned a line, either Vader or Maul. It seemed, in our case, that the younger children fought Vader and the older children fought Maul. My guess is that Maul is pretty scary and intense and they do not want the little ones to be scared.The Jedi stay with the students during their battle scene and then escort them back to the group of padawans. At the end of the show, children will return their robe and light saber and receive a certificate of participation.All in all, this was a fantastic experience for Miss E and for all of us who watched her beam with pride! I love adding new and different highlights to each Disney vacation memory and this event made it to the top of our list, right along with all the princess memories! I highly suggest making the time to let your children participate in the Jedi Training Academy at Disneyland Park. Click here for a video of the show.I would love to help you create a magical Disney vacation! Please email Sarah McClure for your complimentary quote.


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