How to Save Money with Drinks at Disney

22 December | Maggie Ballantyne

There is no denying that a trip to Disney can add up quickly. Knowing this, I love to look for deals and ways to save money while I am on property. But there are more deals than just random package promotions Disney drops. There are everyday deals that can really help singles, families, or friends traveling! So here is one money saving tip I love sharing with my clients: resort refillable mugs. 

I tell my clients prior to travel to buy the resort refillable mugs. It is SO worth the price. On my trip in September, I decided to track how I used the mug to illustrate just how much I saved. 

These mugs are available for guests staying on property for $19.99 - $21.99 depending on where you stay. They are good for 2 weeks / the length of the resort stay. You can use them at any resort quick-service station on property, not just the resort you are staying at. I use it and bring it everywhere! If you resort hop, that’s ok! Your mug remains eligible. I switched resorts three times on this particular trip and had no issue using my mug. 

Refills include soft drinks/lemonade/Powerade (not just soda), iced tea, hot tea, and coffee. To be completely transparent, I didn’t track how much water I drank in these mugs because it was 100+ degrees each day and I kept losing count. It was nice knowing I didn’t have to purchase waters or wait at counters for cups of water when the heat was borderline unbearable. 

At Disney, normally a hot tea or coffee is $3.49 pre-tax at resorts. Sodas/iced tea/lemonades are $3.99. Here is a breakdown of what I drank besides water and what it would have cost if I purchased each drink individually (please don’t just my caffeine addition, Disney days are long): 


  • Diet Coke at Boardwalk Deli for dinner  
  • Diet Coke by the Pool… Yacht and Beach Club 
  • Hot Tea at the Yacht Club Resort  
  • Total: $11.47 


  • Coffee at the Yacht Club Resort 
  • 2 Lemonades at Saratoga Springs Resort 
  • Total: $11.47 


  • Sprite at the Saratoga Pool Bar 
  • Diet Coke at Saratoga Pool bar 
  • Hot Peppermint tea at Saratoga Springs Resort  
  • Total: $11.47 


  • Coffee at the Saratoga Springs Resort  
  • 2 Diet Cokes at the French Quarter Resort 
  • Total: $11.47 


  • 2 Coffees at French Quarter Resort 

  • Total: $6.98 


  • 1 coffee at the French Quarter Resort  
  • Total: $3.49 

TOTAL: $44.88 

I only spent $19.99 on my mug, so a SAVINGS of $24.89! For a family of 4 that would be about $100! Who can say “no” to that?! 

If you read this far, thanks for sticking around! I hope this helps you save some extra cash on your trip. And if you are interested in having me help guide you on your next Disney trip, please reach out at 


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