Take the Chance

Tiffany Morse11.8.18

I typically like to plan each trip, pouring over every detail.  I think about how things will go and how to make them better. I love to look at pictures of where we are staying and think about how we can best pack to fit the room.  I love almost any type of travel.   So, when the chance to take an unexpected, but wonderful trip became available, I couldn’t resist.  

As I started planning, I ran into a few hiccups and I thought about writing this blog to share my experiences.  I will begin with a little background information. This trip came about because of my husband’s job. He has a conference in Orlando, Florida and because my job evolves around Disney, I thought this would be a perfect trip to take together. After all, Toy Story Land will have been open for a few weeks and what a great opportunity for me to visit and take pictures, video and to experience it firsthand.  This Disney trip is from July 9-13, 2018.  I found out about the conference at the beginning of May.  Usually, I start planning a Disney trip at least six months to one year in advance.  So here are a few tips I have for planning a trip on short notice.  


First, get your lodging settled. Normally, the next few steps such as lodging, tickets, Fastpasses, and dining would be taken care of for you by your concierge travel planner, but since this is my trip, I am doing these things. Our hotel was already taken care of because of my husband’s business conference, so that part was easy.  I then did research on the hotel. I found out about their transportation, what benefits they offered such as Walt Disney World Extra Magic Hours, Fastpasses and dining.  I am so excited! We are staying at The Hilton Buena Vista Palace, which is in the Disney Springs area.  I love staying at new places and experiencing new things.  

Second, I made a list of things that we would not want to miss.  This was a little tricky as the trip is a surprise for my children.  Thankfully, I frequently talk about trips so asking questions is not out of the norm.  I made notes about what the kids said they wanted to see and where they wanted to eat.  My next step was to do our Fastpasses as soon as I could.  I will be using Disney’s Extra Magic Hours (extra hours in the parks given to resort guests) to help get more   must-do attractions in during this trip.  

Next, I made a list of the things needed to endure the weather.  Taking the weather into consideration when you travel is important and can make a huge difference in your trip.  We will be going to Orlando in the extreme heat of summer so staying cool and hydrated will be essential.  I have water bottles, cooling towels, fans, extra batteries for the fans, and packets of Propel for extra electrolytes.  The counter service restaurants will give you free cups of ice water in the Disney Parks.  Cooling towels soaked in a cup of ice cold water on a blazing hot day is lovely.


I always like to pack a few special things and some essential family favorites.  I went to the Dollar Store and got some small ice packs, popsicles that we can freeze and take in the cooler, clothespins, and a few coloring and activity books.  I also got some glow sticks and small packs of baby wipes.  The glow sticks are awesome for the dark rides and fireworks.  The kids love them at night and they are not as bright or distracting as small flashlights.  

Budgeting can be very important on a trip that was planned late in the game.  It can be easy to go on a trip and forget about that until you get home.  I have envelopes for each thing: hotel, dining, souvenirs, and Mousekeeping.  That way I can keep up with what we are spending and how much we have left.

As you can see, I am a list maker. Next is no exception.  I make a check list of items not to forget when we leave home: phone, phone charger, toll money, medication for each person, cash, credit cards, snacks and drinks.  I also bring a folder that has a copy of important documents and trip information. Most of these things are linked to our Magic Bands but it’s good to have a backup plan.


Another tip, check clothes and shoes as soon as you can.  You want to have clothes that fit well and will be comfortable.  This applies to your children as well.  Kids grow so quickly and you don’t want to be walking out the door and discover your children’s shoes don’t fit.  We have had this happen on a Sunday Morning and my son ended up in flip flops that we grabbed at a drug store on the way to church.  

Pack so that unpacking is easy.  Frequently we arrive late at night to the hotel.  Coming in late and not being able to find things is no fun for anyone.  Try to think ahead and put the items you will need for the night and the next morning either in a separate bag or at the top of your suitcase in either a packing cube, a zipper pouch or a gallon Ziploc baggie.  This will help get your trip off to a great start and lessen your stress.  We pack the kid’s clothes in zipper pouches labeled with the date they will wear each item.  

Finally, attitude is one of the biggest things that will determine how your unexpected or last- minute trip, turns out.  Going with the flow and letting the little things slide will serve you well.  It will also enable your family to have an easier and better time!  

Traveling has granted our family some incredible and unbelievable experiences. We travel every chance that comes our way.  It is a wonderful way to have family time, make new memories and learn new things together.  So, if that unexpected or unplanned trip comes up, go and take that chance!   I am here and would love to help you build your next trip planned or unexpected.  I look forward to hearing from you at :Tiffm@wishesfamilytravel.com, 678-770-4144, or https://www.facebook.com/tmorse.wft/


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