The 10 Best Tropical Waterfalls in The Caribbean

By Kylie MorrowNothing quite compares to the stunning sight of seeing a tropical waterfall. Though they’re often depicted in art or movies, the impact of seeing one for real can never be underestimated.Not only are the islands of the Caribbean home to some of the most stunning scenery in the world, they are also known for some of the world’s most impressive tropical waterfalls.Whether you’re headed to the beautiful island of Jamaica, or you’re off for a relaxing few days at an all-inclusive resort in St. Lucia, or your bags are packed for a last-minute vacation to Dominica, we highly recommend you check out the waterfalls of your chosen Caribbean destination.

Let us take you through some of the best tropical waterfalls in the Caribbean.

1. Diamond Falls, St. Lucia

Often called one of St. Lucia’s natural wonders, Diamond Falls is one of St. Lucia’s most impressive landmarks. You’ll find the waterfall within fabulous botanical gardens, where incredible local flora and fauna can be seen. Take in the sights of tropical flowers, lush plant life and mineral springs while you explore this unique site. Diamond Falls is a magical Caribbean location, and one you definitely won’t want to miss.

2. Emerald Pool Falls, Dominica

Another one of many Caribbean islands with waterfalls, Dominica is home to Emerald Pool Falls. Dominica is a country known for its tropical rainforests, so it’ll come as no surprise that this island is home to a few of the best waterfalls in the Caribbean.And we’d go so far as to say Emerald Pool Falls is right at the top. The 50-foot waterfall is in a remote destination, which offers adventurous visitors a relaxing respite after their tropical hike to get to it.

3. La Mina Falls, Puerto Rico

When we think about waterfalls in Puerto Rico, there’s just one name that springs to mind: La Mina Falls. The island of Puerto Rico is a superb tourist destination, and if you’re lucky enough to be traveling there soon, you’re sure to see a fair few impressive waterfalls while you’re there.La Mina Falls can be found in the heart of the El Yunque National Forest. To discover it, you’ll need to hike along one of two jaw-dropping trails: La Mina trail or Big Tree trail. If you’ve got time, why not try both?

4. Trafalgar Falls, Dominica

Not only is Dominica home to Emerald Pool Falls, one of the favorite Caribbean waterfalls for tourists, it’s also the home of Trafalgar Falls, an equally impressive sight.Trafalgar Falls is situated deep in the Morne Trois Pitons National Park. If you’re headed to Dominica anytime soon, locals will wholeheartedly recommend you make the time to visit it.

5. YS Falls, Jamaica

Off to visit Jamaica? Famous waterfalls abound on this breathtaking island. In fact we’d go so far as to say it’s one of the top Caribbean islands with waterfalls.If you take a trip to Jamaica’s YS Falls, you’ll find no less than seven incredible waterfalls, all descending into a wonderful natural swimming lake which you can cool off in. This is a place which is definitely worth seeing in real life, because no pictures ever do it justice.

6. Somerset Falls, Jamaica

If you’re on the hunt for peace and tranquility, Somerset Falls could be the Caribbean waterfall for you. This waterfall isn’t as expansive as some of the others, but in terms of beauty it can’t be beaten.Somerset Falls is in fact one of visitors' favorite sites in Jamaica, and it’s a wonderful setting for any budding photographers, too.

7. Belaine Falls, St. Vincent

In terms of places with waterfalls, St Vincent is hard to beat. Especially when you cast your eye over the mesmerizing Belaine Falls.No less than 60-feet high, Belaine Halls is a show-stopping Caribbean waterfall that cascades into a lovely natural lake where visitors can swim.

8. Titou Gorge, Dominica

If you’re feeling adventurous, make your way to Dominca’s Titou Gorge. This spot offers a day out like no other. Visitors can swim through natural pools and caves, right up to this incredible Caribbean waterfall. Make sure you take your camera - you’re going to want to capture every moment when you see this place.

9. Dunn's River Waterfall, Jamaica

One of Jamaica's top tourist attractions, Dunn's River Waterfall is rated highly - and for good reason. This Jamaican waterfall cascades 1,000 feet down the cliff edge, making it an impressive sight indeed.While this waterfall doesn’t offer the same sense of relaxation and calm as some of the other Caribbean waterfalls we’ve mentioned, it’s definitely one of the most majestic ones on the islands.

10. Concord Falls, Grenada

Known as the ‘Spice Isle’, Grenada is famed for its nutmeg plantations where Caribbean spices are produced.But did you know it’s also home to one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the Caribbean? This waterfall is 65-feet high, so it’s not as vast as some of the others, but it’s one that’s guaranteed to charm you when you visit. Take a swim in the natural pools at the foot of Concord Falls and enjoy an unforgettable day out as part of your visit to Grenada.

Where do you want to go?

So, now you know all there is to know about the most amazing waterfalls in the Caribbean. Why not check out a few of our favorites next time you take a trip to the islands? We guarantee you’ll be lost for words when you see some of these wondrous places in real life. Originally posted: 


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