True Social Distancing on Vacation

July 13, 2021
By Anna Trosper

What a ride this last year has been and it really is not over yet when it comes to traveling. There are still many restrictions that can vary from destination to destination.  This does not mean travel is not do able, it just means you must know what to expect and be ok with the restrictions at your destination.

I have traveled a lot during COVID and to many different destinations – all have had their own requirements. The most important part of planning a trip during these times is knowing what the requirements are and are you willing to do them!

In June 2020 I flew to Universal Orlando for a long weekend. To tell you the truth it was one of the best trips to Universal I have ever had. First off on the flight there it was almost empty! Plane was nice and clean and had no one sitting next to me at all. On arrival at Universal Orlando Aventura Hotel, temperatures were checked daily, social distancing in resort and in elevators. Masks were to be always worn. Going into the parks was the best! Parks where just back open and not many people were going. It was like almost having the parks to ourselves! Masks are to be worn at all time but when sitting and actively eating or drinking.  We had no problem following the rules – and we had the best time ever!

In July 2020 myself and my husband hopped on a plane to Cozumel Mexico. We could not resist the low-cost airfare. Mexico did not have any entry requirements or the US for reentering (at that time). I do have to say that does not mean Mexico did not take this pandemic seriously. The moment we touched sown in Cozumel it was noticeably clear they took it seriously. From check in at airport to the resort. Airport took temperatures before you entered airport, bags where being wiped sown as they came off the plane. You also had to clean the bottom of your shoes before you stepped into the airport! Masks were also always required.

 The town itself was shut down only a few places open. We have been many times, and this was the weirdest feeling ever seeing it all shout done. We went to get away and just relax and we got to do just that. Resort was low capacity so again it was not hard at all to keep you distance from others. We also booked a day on a boat all to ourselves and they took us off to a beach on the other side of island without any other people at all.  Social distancing at its best! We are scuba divers and the dive boats where back up and running but with rules in place – boats could only be at ½ capacity, everyone on boat had to wear mask till time to put on our gear. Food they gave us in between dives was prewrapped. Not really a big deal for us – we got to dive!!!

September came and it was time to travel once again – Disney World here we come. This is a destination that you need to make sure you can follow the rules or to be honest just do not go at this time. Masks are to be always worn by anyone over the age of 2. No matter what – If you or your child can not do that then this is not the time to go. Disney has great safety precautions in place, and they are there to keep guest and cast members safe.  Again, the parks where at low capacity and I have never been in the parks with it like this, amazing! Yes, not all things where back up and open but if you are a true Disney World fan like me it did not matter. Disney was still magical. Flights again where not crowed, no restrictions to travel to Florida and back. So, it was a great trip and flight was like a 1/3 of what they are normally!

December 2020, we always go to Florida Christmas week but this year we added St Thomas to the vacation also. St Thomas had s few more restrictions for us to get there than any other place. We have to get a specific type of COVID test 7 days before we flew, showing that we were negative. We had to send that and fill out a form on a website and get a letter back for St Thomas saying we where approved to come. We got out letters and printed them out and off we went. At this time, the plane had a few more people traveling but still they where not filling the middle sit. Landing in St Thomas and getting through customs and COVID screening was extremely easy. As for regulation on the island, same as anywhere else, Masks must be worn everywhere but on beach or in a pool. This was my 1st time to the island, and we got to see so much and with out a lot of people around us.

As you can see it is possible to travel during these times if you are ready to travel. This is up to each one’s own feeling. If you are ready to travel it is great time to do so but you must know all the guidelines for your destination. Guidelines are changing every day and can be extremely hard to keep up with, that is where I come in! I will keep you updated on all regulations and updates as they come in, so you won’t have to worry about a thing. Know before you book your trip if the guidelines that are in place work for you and your family or not. I would be happy to set up a time to talk about your next adventure and see if you are ready to travel again. Contact me at or follow me on my Facebook business page.

Safe Travels!


Sunday Comics Lunch at Blondie's
