A Whole New World…Don’t You Dare Close Your Eyes!

By: Missy RyanAladdin said it right when he told Jasmine not to close her eyes, knowing if she did she may miss something extraordinary.I guess in a sense you can say the last few months of my life can be summed up in that one line. I am keeping my eyes wide open as I continue this adventure and experience with Wishes Family Travel.As I began my journey back in July, I had no idea what this company had in store for me. I was challenged, encouraged and had faith invested in me.I cannot tell a lie - there were moments I felt as if this trip would not be traveled. At times I was discouraged and worried. Could I do this? Am I good enough? I have been out of the work force for 10 years. What is a stay-at-home mommy doing in a place like this? Questions like these entered and took a seat in my mind daily.I chose to ignore those nagging thoughts. I went forward full speed ahead. Homework, research, training sessions and meetings, they all became my goal. I had to invest in myself. If total strangers had faith in me, it was time I followed their lead and had that same faith in myself. As these roads became clearer, so did my thoughts. I was learning. I was working. I was becoming more than I imagined.As an agent in training I continue to learn so much every day. At times I feel as if I am learning something new every hour. The learning and newbie status no longer frighten me. I am in awe at how many women empower one another on a daily basis and how faith is a foundation. It is those same women who build upon that trust and keep building on those blocks - several are responsible for where I am three months later. This growth will continue, and I am amazed of who I can be because of what I’ve become. I am trained, I am traveled and I am trusted, and I love it.learnmoreagent


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